Possagno - Museo e Gipsoteca
Antonio Canova
Venice International Foundation Gala Dinner
"Entering the Museo e Gipsoteca
Antonio Canova in Possagno is a kind of journey into the world. For there, are
jealously guarded the Canova plaster casts, unique works of their kind, from which the
extraordinary marbles took shape, made for popes, kings, emperors, ambassadors
and collectors from all over the world and which today are on show in major
museums: from Paris to Vienna, from Saint Petersburg to Rome, from London to over
the oceans.”
Franca Coin
appointments last year in Venice, at
the Gallerie dell'Accademia and the Museo Correr, the "Project Canova",
this year, the Venice International
Foundation’s member’s fundraising annual gala dinner was held with an impressive
guided candle tour of Canova’s
plaster casts at the Museo e Gipsoteca
Antonio Canova, birthplace of the
Neo-Classical sculptor, in Possagno.
Franca Coin, in
her dual capacity as President of the Venice
International Foundation and the
Canova Foundation in Possagno
greets the mayors of Asolo, Mauro
Migliorini, and Possagno, Gianni De
Paoli and Cristina Dall'Est.
courtesy the Venice International Foundation
Antonio Canova
The Venice International Foundation
The Venice Foundation began to devote itself to Canova in 2012 by partially financing
the five rooms entirely dedicated to Antonio
Canova in the Correr Museum in Venice. In time, the magic and the
beauty of the Neo-Classical
genius’s works so fascinated the members that together
with the help of it’s American “sister”
Friends of Venice Italy Inc. decided to extend the project to the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice,
which, together with Venice in Peril
Fund, financed the reopening of seven rooms, of which three dedicated entirely
to Canova. Therefore in a project dedicated to Canova, it was natural to
include the Museo e Gipsoteca Antonio Canova, in Possagno,
birthplace of the Neo-Classical sculptor, and home to
his extraordinary
collection of plaster casts.
Above. Antonio Canova – Self Portrait
- Museo e Gipsoteca Antonio Canova.
Guderzo, director of the Museo e
Gipsoteca Antonio Canova and Andrea Bellieni – director of the Museo Correr in Venice
Gianfranco and Vittoria Zoppas, Piergiorgio
Coin and Mita De Benedetti
Flavia Faccioli, Marco Cappelletto and Annabella
Clara and Paolo Cantarella
Muriel Nussbaumer, Franca Coin,
Francesca Noto and Gianni De Paoli
Giacomo Cavallucci and Inma
Cavallucci de Dalmases
courtesy the Venice International Foundation
Antonio Canova - Tersicore ed
Euterpe – 1799
Tempera on paper
Museo e Gipsoteca Antonio Canova
As usual,
the Venice International Foundation gala dinner evening was the opportunity to
raise funds for the restoration work on Canova’s 1799 Tersicore and Euterpe, which will be on display in the exhibition
"Canova and the Dance" at
the Bode Museum in Berlin from 21 October.
Tonci Foscari, Franca Coin and Barbara
Serena and Otello Lando, Muriel Nussbaumer
Marco and Cristina Bottari with Renato and Teresa Pellicioli
Guido and Giulia Venturini
Museo e Gipsoteca Antonio
Antonio Canova – Leeds Venus – 1817-20
Leeds City Art Museum
Giovanni Alliata di Montereale admires the
magnificent Canova marble sculpture of Venus
emerging from the bath on loan from Leeds
City Art Museum in England. The Leeds Venus was sculpted for an English nobleman in 1817-20.
It majestically takes final stage of the exhibition that coils within the
museum, where the visitor can admire and examine all the “Venuses” that Canova
Giulio Molaioli
Andrea Tomat
Ornella Visentin
Constanza Di Nucci
Museo e Gipsoteca Antonio
Canova – Ala Nuova
The Dinner
The dinner
was held in the new wing of the Museo e
Gipsoteca Antonio Canova at the end of the room Antonio Canova’s plaster cast of the significantly named La
Franca Coin, in her dual role as President
of the Venice International Foundation and
the Canova Foundation in Possagno welcomes guests before the
Museo e Gipsoteca Antonio
Canova – Ala Nuova
The Dinner
In the New Wing of the Gipsoteca, which is normally used as an exhibition space, suspended
from the ceiling the works of Giulia
Berra, Punti di Sospensione winner of the competition Concorso di Scultura Antonio Canova organized by Guerrieri Rizzardi and the Fondazione Canova Onlus - Museo e
Gipsoteca Antonio Canova.
The Menu
The Centerpiece

Graziano Visentin, Ruggiero and Marina
Silvia Borini and Giuseppe Caivano
Cristina and Francesco Imparato
Guido Pennisi, Clara Cantarella, Mita
De Benedetti and Paola Pennisi
Fiora Marelli
Homage - Canova and the Dance
evening ended with a Tango created
especially for the event by Francesca
Vettori and Leonardo Brunelli of
the Scuola di Tango Argentino Tangohol di
San Zenone degli Ezzelini, a modern tribute inspired by the gift of a dance
that Canova received from Duchess of Bedford, in 1817 upon
consignment at Woburn Abbey of the
marble group The Three Graces commissioned
by the Duke for his wife.
Francesca Vettori and Leonardo
The Meringrappa
dessert infused with grappa was created by Villa
Razzolini Loredan di Asolo,
dedicated to the nearby Monte Grappa
created in memory of the centenary of the Great
Canova, Canova and Canova