Massimo Micheluzzi
Simone Cenedese
Franchetti - Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere
ed Arti
The Venice
Glass Week - Glass in Venice - Bonhams Prize Awards
ceremony and party were held at Palazzo
Franchetti, home of the Istituto
Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, to coincide with the eighth edition of
the Glass in Venice Prize,
awarded by the Istituto Veneto and
the Fondazione MUVE this year, to Simone
Cenedese and Massimo
Micheluzzi, as well as, the first edition of the Bonhams Prize for The Venice Glass Week awarded to Materia Eterea -
Ethereal Matter - a project conceived and promoted by Barbini Specchi Veneziani. The jury of the Bonhams Prize was composed
of Jean Blanchaert - curator and member of the Curatorial Committee of The Venice Glass Week - Giovanna
Palandri - Chancellor of the IVSLA and President of the Organizing
Committee of The Venice Glass Week
and Dan Tolson - International Director
of the Modern Decorative Art and Design Department – Bonhams - New York – the jury also decided to give
Special Commendations to two
projects deemed to be particularly interesting and emblematic of the spirit of
the festival: Isolani by
Roisin de Buitlear, and Autonoma.
Palazzo Loredan - Glass in Venice Prize Awards
Glass in Venice Prize Awards
Massimo Micheluzzi and Simone Cenedese
Camilla Purdon, David Landau and Roisin de Buitlear
Melba Ruffo di Calabria and Massimo Losio
Cristina Beltrami
Patricia Pastor Friedman, Viretta Micheluzzi,
Barry Friedman,
Antonia Miletto
Special Commendation Prize
A Special
Commendation was assigned by the Prize Jury to Autonoma, an experimental
project born in 2017 as an exchange programme with Pilchuck Glass School in Seattle,
USA. This year Autonoma provided six international artists with the opportunity to come to Venice to collaborate on the
construction of a unique, collective, site-specific installation Autonoma
- Build Up - Structure, currently installed in the garden of
the Glass Museum on Murano, and realised in collaboration
with glass masters from the Effedue
furnace. The work was constructed from a metal structure created with a digital
algorithm bubble and inspired by the Venetian
architectural arch, incorporating discarded materials and elements of recycled
glass. Autonoma received the Special
Jury Commendation for its ambitious mission of preserving and disseminating the historic tradition of
Murano glassmaking, while at the same time enriching it further with new techniques and ideas, for its
capacity to create a bridge
between Murano and the rest of the world, for its desire to celebrate the
tradition of Murano glass whilst at the same time looking to the future without fear of innovations, with
particular attention to environmental sustainability

Benjamin Walker, Rosa Barovier Mentasti and Marcantonio
Brandolini d’Adda
Felicity Menadue and Olinda
Roisin de Buitlear – Isolani
Special Commendation Prize
A Special Commendation Prize was assigned to the Irish artist Roisin de Buitlear,
who with Isolani has
given life to a mapping project
involving more than 50 glass artists from islands around the world,
using original works of art created on miniature glass slides. It was presented
to the public with a cinematographic
light projection on Murano.
The project received recognition for its ambitious and collaborative character, for its capacity of connect Murano Glass
artists with colleagues from all over the world, from the Maldives to Japan, from Scotland to Sardegna; for its unique and visionary concept conceived
and presented expressly for The Venice Glass Week - for its
capacity to combine traditional
techniques with new technologies and to encourage collaboration and discussion within the Muranese community.
Trondur Patursson, Roisin de Buitlear and Brandur Patursson
Barry Friedman and Jean
Antonia Miletto, Maria Grazia Rosin and Sarah Nichols
Maria Novella Pappafava dei Carraresi
Muriel Balensi and Bikem de
Elena Casadoro, Camilla Purdon and Francesca Fungher
Photograph courtesy the Venice Glass week
Bonhams Prize – The Venice Glass Week
Barbini Specchi
Veneziani – Materia Eterea
The first edition of the Bonhams Prize for The Venice Glass Week went to
Materia Eterea - Ethereal Matter
- a project conceived and promoted by Barbini Specchi Veneziani. The exhibition resulting from the
project is on show at Palazzetto Tito,
home of the Bevilacqua La Masa
Foundation, until September 27. Materia Eterea, curated by Barbini Specchi Veneziani and Babau Bureau, presents 14 works created by Barbini Specchi
Veneziani in collaboration with ten glass masters and four designers. The project was chosen
for its ability to combine tradition – production of mirrors - and innovation,
for its collaborative spirit, its strong concept and the high quality of all
aspects of exhibition presentation and communication. The Bonhams Prize for The Venice
Glass Week provided a €1,000 cash prize.
The Jury
Tolson - International Director of the Modern Decorative Art and Design
Department – Bonhams - New York, Giovanna Palandri
- Chancellor of the IVSLA and
President of the Organizing Committee of The Venice Glass Week and Jean Blanchaert - curator
and member of the Curatorial Committee of The Venice Glass Week.
Simone Cenedese – Nynpha
Barbini Specchi
Veneziani – Materia Eterea
Lucio Bubacco – Ignonito Riflesso
Barbini Specchi
Veneziani – Materia Eterea
Sara forte – Kosei
Barbini Specchi
Veneziani – Materia Eterea
Lucia Massari – Teste Composte
Barbini Specchi
Veneziani – Materia Eterea
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