Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Venice 2016: Ca Giustinian: La Biennale di Venezia – 15th International Architecture Exhibition.


Venice 2016: Ca Giustinian: La Biennale di Venezia – 15th International Architecture Exhibition. In the splendid headquarters of La Biennale di Venezia, on the piano nobile of Ca Giustinian, on the Canal Grande overlooking the Island of San Giorgio a press conference was held to introduce the new curator of the 15th International Architecture Exhibition which will be held from 28 May – 27 November 2016.

Venice 2016:  15th International Architecture Exhibition. – Reporting From the Front. The president of La Biennale di Venezia, Paolo Baratta, introduced the  new curator of the 15th International Architecture Exhibition, Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena, who chose the theme Reporting From the Front for next years exhbition. “For some years now we have been saying that the hallmark of our times is the mismatch between architecture and civil society” Paolo Baratta stated. “On the one hand, architecture seems preoccupied with producing spectacular buildings, celebratory reflections of the power and ambitions of the clients; on the other, society stands by indifferently, shying away from putting questions to Architecture. In a stance against paralyzing conformism, the Architecture Biennales of recent years have given voice to the very questions that emerge from this state of affair. Now, Alejandro Aravena is taking us into that battleground, showing us that if we strive to formulate clearer questions, which are then taken into account while identifying solutions, architecture really can make a difference”
Venice 2016:  15th International Architecture Exhibition. – Reporting From the Front. The neo-curator Alejandro Aravena explained his project – Reporting From the Front - as follows: 
”There are several battles that need to be won and several frontiers that need to be expanded in order to improve the quality of the built environment and consequently people’s quality of life. More and more people in the planet are in search for a decent place to live and the conditions to achieve it are becoming tougher and tougher by the hour. Any attempt to go beyond business as usual encounters huge resistance in the inertia of reality and any effort to tackle relevant issues has to overcome the increasing complexity of the world.  But unlike military wars where nobody wins and there is a prevailing sense of defeat, on the frontlines of the built environment, there is a sense of vitality because architecture is about looking at reality in a proposal key.  This is what we would like people to come and see at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition: success stories worth to be told and exemplary cases worth to be shared where architecture did, is and will make a difference in winning those battles and expanding those frontiers. Reporting From the Front will be about bringing to a broader audience, what is it like to improve the quality of life while working on the margins, under tough circumstances, facing pressing challenges. Or what does it take to be on the cutting edge trying to conquer new fields.”

The Press – Reporting From the Front


Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena


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