Friday, July 10, 2009

Ristorante Paradiso: Depart Foundation

Seen at Depart Foundation presents at the Ristorante Paradiso the exhibition, New York Minute: 60 Artists on the New York Scene. Pierpaolo Bazan founder of the Depart Foundation talks with Sharon Johnston and his wife Valeria. The New York Minute: 60 Artists on the New York Scene exhibition scheduled for September 16th in Rome at the MACRO Musuem, is sponsored by the Depart Foundation and will feature a tightly knit group of sixty New York-based artists whose work captures the drama, danger, speed and dynamism of New York’s diverse creative activities and reflects the leading tendencies in new art making New York today including, Street Punk, Wild Figuration and New Abstraction. The expression “a New York Minute” refers to the speed that New Yorkers react to stimuli, with a bit of impatience, a bit of ingenuity and a lot of smarts.

Seen at the lunch for the launch of New York Minute: 60 Artists on the New York Scene exhibition. The curator of the exhibition New York Minute: 60 Artists on the New York Scene, Kathy Grayson chats with the curator of the Whitney Museum, Shamin Momin.
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