MUSEO CORRER - Torre del Orologio. At the dinner, prior to the unveiling of the restored Clock Tower, in the Museo Correr, what were Venice Foundation, President, Franca Coin and patriarchal Curia to the Basilica of Saint Mark's, Mons. Antonio Meneguolo, demanding of neo elected vice premier and minister for culture, Francesco Rutelli? That he comes back to Venice to attend the concert of the Filarmonica Arturo Toscanini, directed by Lorin Maazel, in the Basilica on June 30th at nine pm. The proceeds will finance the restoration of The cupola of the Creation, inside San Marco. You can attend too. Contact, Venice Foundation, Venice +39 041 2774840 or email veniceinter@tin.it
www.basilicasanmarco.it www.museiciviciveneziani.it www.venicefoundation.orgwww.filarmonicatoscanini.it www.maestromaazel.com
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