George W and I have two things in common - it is amazing- it's more than amazing it's unbelievable - we are both fans of terriers and Tom Wolfe. In today's NYT - Elisabeth Bumiller's White House Letter -
"Bush's Official Reading List, and a Racy Omission" - The racy omission being Wolfe's latest beer and sex-soaked new novel "I am Charlotte Simmons" which according to Bumiller he is -
unofficially - recommending to all his friends - Mr. Bush added that "in this job, there are some simple pleasures in life that really help you cope. One is Barney the dog, and the other is books. I mean, books are a great escape. Books are a way to get your mind on something else." For once I couldn't agree more with President Bush and I am also -
officially - highly recommending Mr. Wolfe's new book to all my friends too.
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