Fondation Maeght. The fortified village of Saint Paul de Vence is home to yet another artistic treat: the remarkable Fondation Maeght created in the 1950s by Aime and Marguerite Maeght, art collectors and dealers who knew all the great artists who worked in Provence. This Summers exhibition is called Black is a Color, curated by Dominique Paini (until November 5th, 2006), it is a tribute to Aime Maeght, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth. Maeght was the first to put on an exhibition in Paris in 1946 with the theme "Black is a Color." But, it was Matisse who originally coined the phrase at the beginning of the 20th Century. Paini has designed an exhibition that encompasses six steps of blackness, he says that " The whole experience is more sensual than intellectual. I wanted to promote new experiences and to stimulate visually. I am showing works that are not often seen here." The show brings together different artists of all styles and eras and aims to illustrate Jean Dubuffet's words: "Black is an abstraction. There is no black, only black materials." Shown above, Barnett Newman's Yellow Edge, acrylic on canvas, 1968.
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