Artigianato Vivo. Mid August brings us to the 26th annual village fair, Artigianato Vivo, in Cison, where artisans take over all the rustic hamlets, courtyards and streets of this charming village at the feet of the Dolomite mountains. It is a pleasure to walk around and discover almost "forgotten", and in some cases, extinct crafts. This year I found a couple of very interesting artisans. Above, is the work of a charismatic Tuscan, Romano Cheli who makes beautiful spinning tops. He has always had a passion for wood, and as a hobby, for the past five years, he has been making spinning tops because" They are complete, beautiful, aesthetic and they move as well." Each piece is different and made out of precious, compact and hard woods, so that they can guarantee the energy needed for the initial throw. Besides the classic model he makes many styles, shapes, sizes and types and it is really difficult to choose one. Maybe, the most unusual is the traveling top, Romano explains "When you go away from home you must take something from home with you, to ward off the evil eye, as well as, to remind you, of home by it's shape and it's scent."
www.artigianatovivo.it Romano Cheli: Via Roma 73 - Livorno - Cell +39 335 5434722 or romche@tin.it - his next Fair will be in Milan - Artigiani in Fiera - 2/10 December, 2006. www.unioneartigiani.it
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