photograph by manfredi bellati
Artigianato Vivo. When Monica Buscone and Giacomo Martucci Ventura decided to change lifestyle, they moved to a small old farmhouse in the middle of the woods, near Piacenza. They looked around the house and noticed that of all the pieces they had collected at flea markets there prevailed a vast quantity of objects made in iron wire. Monica told me that "Before we decided to work with iron wire, we went to France to research the origins of this antique peasant culture. It was there that I fell in love with Camargue and the art of the nomads. In France in the Eighteenth Century, gypsys toured the country to mend pottery and china in the courts. Wire, was like glue, a material that held together other materials." Their company Fil di Ferro is a "two man" operation. Not only do they remake antique pieces and styles, but also invent new pieces, as well as, designing special installations for parties. Above is a pretty tiny basket made to hold garlic. They will be present at the show Frutti Antichi at the Castello di Paderna 7/8th October.
www.artigianatovivo.it Monica Busconi and Giacomo Martucci Ventura:fildiferro.pc@libero.it or +39 338 4801750
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