Fuori Salone - Design Academy Einhoven. Post Mortem is title of the annual graduate exhibition of students of the Dutch Design Academy Eindhoven, it was held, this year, in the beautiful 15th-century convent which houses La Facolta' Teologica dell'Italia Settentrionale. The show was very incisive and it was the most talked about and discussed show this year. Graduates addressed the phenomenon of obsequies. While they are students at the Academy they are often confronted, for the first time by the death of a fellow student or a loved one, like a grandparent, a friend, a pet. This compels them to contemplate death and bereavement. The exhibition illustrates these wide-ranging thoughts. Above is the European Garden, designed for a Japanese client, by Job Smeets. Job Smeets and Nynke Tynagel form the design duo, Studio Job. They also exhibited their furniture at Dilmos, the pieces called Perished were decorated with inlays of animal and human skeletons. Today they are the up and coming stars of a new generation of European designers, they treat design as a medium of personal expression, as artists have traditionally done. Smeets, told Icon Magazine "Maybe sometimes we are designers and maybe sometimes we are architects. Sometimes just man and wife, sometimes just artists." But to conclude on thcourageousus Post Mortem exhibition, I must say, that even though the subject was somber, thexhibitionon watrulyly beautiful not only for the contents but also for the choice of place. However it left me with a sense olonelinesses and emptiness inside. It made me think.
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