Galleria Suzy Shammah – Sergio Calatroni + Sergio Calatroni Artroom – MicroMacroMixMilan Exhibition. The artist/architect, Sergio Calatroni in room 02 of his three room exhibition entitled MicroMacroMixMilan at the Suzy Shammah Gallery.

MicroMacroMixMilan Exhibition – room 02. One of the three rooms of Sergio Calatroni’s exhibiton at the Galleria Suzy Shammah called MicroMacroMixMilan. Description: Room N.02. In a room of the gallery a new ambient has been realized with packaging elements in white polystyrene. Each element has a different shape. The contour of each box is drawn with black pen that leaves a trace on irregular edges. The Assembly of the elements change the room and creates another spatial episode. An another room. An another place. An another dimension.