Art Ouarzazate. The colorful sitting area at
Art Ouarzazate is where you can sit, relax and sip mint tea whilst being shown the most creative and unusual carpets designed by
Abdel Samad.
Art Ouarzazate - Abdel Samad. Art Ouarzazate’s carpet designer,
Abdel Samad shows off one of his wonderful creations, it’s a hand woven carpet with rings of colored beads sewn onto it.
Art Ouarzazate – a detail. A detail of the “shaggy dog” carpet made from strips of knotted suede at
Art Ouarzazate. The colors are so well chosen and look so good together. It’s a joy to walk barefoot on the leather; I would love to have this in my bedroom.
Art Ouarzazate: 15 rue Rabna Kdima – tel 00 212 012 148 963
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