Jarach Gallery - opening exhibition Disco to Disco photos by Gabriele Basilico and Massimo Vitali – until October 27th. What could be more appropriate than to hold a photographic exhibition called Disco to Disco in the original space of the first dance-hall in Venice? At the end of the Second World War, American soldiers occupied this large warehouse, today the Jarach Gallery, in Campo San Fantin, transforming it into a dance-hall to celebrate the end of conflict and dance the night away. The exhibition shows two of Italy’s finest photographers; Gabriele Basilico with his 1978 black and white photos of the dance halls in the New Italy of Emilia Romagna and Massimo Vitali’s 1997 gigantic color photographs of The Beach and Disco Project.
The publisher and the gallery owner. Charta’s Giuseppe Liverani chats with Jacopo Jarach. Jarach considers himself an outsider in the gallery world. He opened his photographic gallery right next to La Fenice theatre a year ago. This young man is going places watch out for his gallery. During the Biennale he hosted a show of Robert Polidori’s spectacular New Orleans Flood photos.
Mens Body Jewelry. Not only does Jacopo Jarach have a labret, a form of body piercing attached under his lip, he also has, a fascinating grommet or flesh tunnel, which is a type of body jewel composed of a hollow rubber tube pierced in his earlobe.
Dancing Emilia photos by Gabriele Basilico. Gabriele Basilico stands by his beautiful black and white photos commissioned by Modo magazine in 1978, a series dedicated to dance halls. He revealed the phenomenon of dance-halls in a New Italy which was spilling into these “containers” made of colored lights and sci-fi design. “I was fascinated by this Fellini-esque type world.” he told me.
Disco to Disco catalogue. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue entitled Disco to Disco and published by Charta Edition. The text is by Gabriele Basilico and Massimo Vitali, in collaboration with Giovanna Calvenzi.

Venetian photographer. Luca Campigotto is Venetian but he is based in Milan. He likes to photograph landscapes, architecture and industry. His latest book, called the Le Pietre del Cairo – The stones of Cairo – was published two months ago by Peliti Associati, fifty-five black and white photos that portray the pyramids, the souks and the mosques of Egypt. He is currently working on two projects, India and New York City.
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