Friday 8th June – Seen outside the giardini. Super designer, William Sawaya and Paolo Moroni of Sawaya and

Friday 8th June – Giardini: Russian Pavilion - AES+F – Last Riot. Last Riot is a video installation by Andrey Bartenev, Lev Evzovich, Evgeny Svyatsky and Vladimir Fridkes or AES+F. In a fantasy landscape where time is suspended, past epochs exist alongside future ones, and creation mingles with destruction - is populated by glamorous, androgynous teenagers. To the music of Wagner, these youths struggle in a war against themselves, a war without difference between aggressor and victim, male and female, good and bad, fate and free will. The heroes of this cyber-epic are doomed to eternal battle. It is a battle without blood or pain, contact without contact. Each generation creates its own tale of apocalypse in music, painting and other forms of art. Last Riot is a post-apocalyptic vision that has come to replace them.
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