Fuori Salone - Amici Comunita Cenacolo Suor Elvira. Photographed above, are the "cash register" and the menu, at the Spazio Rossana Orlandi where the Amici Comunita Cenacolo di Suor Elvira set up a snack bar, in the beautiful courtyard, for visitors, press and designers visiting the exhibition space. The friends of the Comunita Cenacolo di Suor Elvira are a non profit fundraising catering company founded by Cloti Gallizia, ten years ago, the proceeds go to finance Sister Elvira's fifty two centers around the world. For twenty five years, Sister Elvira has been taking care of the chemically dependent and recently she has also taken in the homeless, as well as, problem children. Cloti counts on 40 friends and volunteers to cook and help out with the food and she says "For us it's a rewarding way to spend time together. We meet new people, pass the time of day. It's sort of therapeutic." They have also catered for The Rotary Club, for cancer research at the Fondazione Prada and soon they will set up a snack bar in the gardens of Via Palestro for the Orticola flower show. Please, try and use them too for your next party, thank you very much.
Cloti Gallizia tel +39 335 6069876 www.comunitacenacolo.it www.rossanaorlandi.com www.rotary.org www.fondazioneprada.org www.orticola.org
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