Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Venice - Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana - Federica Marangoni - Memory The Light of Time - Opening - Party Photos


"To Sansovino who had to welcome the intrusion of technical light and pixels, intangible materials in dialogue  with his mighty architecture. To all those who supported and helped me to enter the temple of memory."
Federica Marangoni
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana
Federica Marangoni - Memory The Light of Time
Just off Piazza San Marco in the magical setting of the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana -  Library of Saint Mark - built by Jacopo Sansovino between 1537-1588, one of the earliest surviving public libraries and repositories for manuscripts in Italy - presents - Federica Marangoni - Memory The Light of Time - until November 27 - curated by  Roberta Semeraro and Viana Conti.  The exhibition by the Venetian artist Federica Marangoni, is a unique dialogue between sixteenth-century architecture and intangible technological light.  It traces some of the key themes of the artist a pioneer of multimedia, who has been active in New York since the 1970s and adjunct professor at NYU, where in 1980 she was invited to MoMA with a performance and the world premiere of the film The Box of Life.
"Federica Marangoni's work represents a violent, sudden, even if temporary, twist, but it serves precisely to remind us of this: libraries, custodians over time of the memory of peoples, are not immutable, they are continually innervated of modernity, here represented by the light that lashes the sixteenth-century architecture, indeed: without continuous transformation, libraries would be little things that would not last."
Stefano Campagnolo 
Director Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana 
 Ermelinda Damiano, Federica Marangoni, Viana Conti, Stefano Campagnolo 
Roberta Semeraro and Alessandro Tusset

Memory the Light of Time is a dialogue between Contemporary Art, of light and pixel, through the memory thread of creativity, with the great Sansovino’s architecture, a new oneiric creation of the artist who faces a unique and almost secret path with the lightness of works that do not contaminate the classical space while being a strong and engaging presence. A creation dedicated to Venice, starting from its oldest site, the heart of its history. The themes of the Book, the Light the Word, are the traces that the artist left behind in a long career. Federica Marangoni has always worked with media as video, neon and glass, in dialogue with each others in famous video installations and sculptures, such as the Archive of Memory created in 1996, in this exhibition revisited with a new dimension. 
Words Thread of Time - 2022
Art - 2022
Interferenza - 2022
Roberto De Feo and Lorenzo Marangoni
Alessandra and Alessandro Zoppi 

Marina Bastianello and Ziva Kraus

Art - The red Flex Led that extends horizontally by cutting the room in two graphically marks the continuity that runs through the life and work of the artist with a straight line; the word Art overturns in the preposition Tra indicating, significantly, transition, relational relationship, interaction between subjects, time and place. 
 Art - 2022
Gilda Bojardi and Fabrizio Plessi

"The Venetian artist, who was among the pioneers of Media art, borrowed from communication, not only the English language but neon signs too."
Roberta Semeraro

Alexia Boro 
The Archive of Memory. The large book composed of two vertical LED screens, covered by curved glass plates, containing quotes and phrases in many languages ​​on the importance of reading and freedom devoured by technological flames, is the monument of memory conceived against the blind brutality of violence that it has burned down centuries of history and culture. Reading is a risk Neon is a warning and also a provocation to mean that reading is an identity process that leads to that self-awareness that is a path from which there is no return.
The Archive of Memory - 2022

Federica Marangoni, Pamela Berry and Alessandro Tusset
The Catalogue
  Federica Marangoni - Memory - The Light of Time
 is published in Italian and English by 
Nicholas Fiedler and Maria Grazia Rosin
Pietro Venchieruzzi, Elena Barinova, Paolo De Grandis 
Maria Novella dei Carraresi


The Performing Hand. In the video work projected - above - on the LED screens in the three large windows, the skillful hand of the artist controls the fire of the blowtorch, transforming the reading room into a large alchemical laboratory where liquefied words become light in the rainbow that lights up below.

The Performing Hand - 2022
Fragile Memory - 2019
Gilda Bojardi, Adriano Berengo and Helene Salvadori

Galliano Mariani

 Silvia Sigismondi
and Valentina Marangoni
The Never Ending Gold of the Mind - 2022
Roberto De Feo and Beatrice Marangoni
Laura Alfieri

The Performing Hand - 2022
Pamela Berry, Chiara Gradella, Maruzza Bianchi Michiel

Victoria Diaz de Santillana
 France Thierard

Paolo De Grandis, Caterina Penso and Massimo Vianello

Lillo Scaringi and Mara Servetto

 Silvia Rutka and Agatha

Roberta Orio and Carlo Biasia

Oliviero Leti

 photograph courtesy Federinca Marangoni and Paolo Luca
Light Marks - In Piazza San Marco - 2022



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