Palazzo Barbaro
Getulio Alviani – Anthropometry
“My love is the future”
In occasion of the 58th International Art Exhibition Biennale
di Venezia in the splendid rooms of Palazzo
Barbaro, until May 30*, on the Canal
Grande the exhibition dedicated to the late Getulio Alviani – Anthropometry
– involving different artists, an experience that spaces between art, fashion, jewellery, music and theatrical performance. Anthropometry was conceived
and created by Diora Fraglica Alviani for
the Getulio Alviani Foundation, in
collaboration with Carolina Piccolomini
Lantieri and Elizabeth
Performance - Ligia
Pietro Grossi – A Single Act of Time – text - Getulio Alviani
Getulio Alviani – Cerchio + Quadrato – dress - 1965
Photograph - courtesy - Getulio Alviani Foundation – Silvia Negri Firman
Palazzo Barbaro
Getulio Alviani – Anthropometry
Getulio Alviani – Anthropometry
Anthropometry is a celebration of Getulio Alviani and his friends and
colleagues; Yaacov Agam, Josef Albers, Hans Arp, Max Bill, Alexander Calder,
Enrico Castellani, Tony Costa, Lucio Fontana, Yves Klein, Piero Manzoni, Enzo
Mari, Almir Mavignier, Franccois Morellet, Man Ray and Paolo Scheggi, who
participate with their works in "a single act of the time".
Photograph by Toffoletti – courtesy - Getulio Alviani
Getulio Alviani
Getulio Alviani, was the multifaceted artist who liked to call
himself plastic creator and an apostle of the movement of kinetic Art and
“We have thought of an interdisciplinary
proposal that revolves around Alvani’s vision. Anthropometry for the artist is
transformed with the movement of the wearer, into an organism that produces
images in continuous evolution ".
Diora Fraglica Alviani
president - Getulio Alviani Foundation
president - Getulio Alviani Foundation
Mariuccia Casadio and Diora
Fraglica Alviani
Getulio Alviani – Anthropometry
Vittorio Sgarbi illustrated
the influences between art, fashion, design and sound, in a continuous flow of
creations and Brazilian actress, theater
director, art professor and researcher Liigia Cortez, previously
directed by Bob Wilson in A dama do mar performed on the notes of
Pietro Grossi in the play Atto sole del tempo, text by Getulio Alviani.
Vittorio Sgarbi and Ligia Cortez
Photograph - courtesy - Getulio Alviani Foundation – Silvia
Negri Firman
Olen Cesari, one of the most famous
eclectic and virtuoso composers in the world, played Anthopometry with his dematerialized violin.
Carolina Piccolomini Lantieri
Elizabeth Royer-Grimblat
The Clothes
“At the time the
presentation of a dress was not an appearance but an emanation of a thought, a
concept. Today, if I were called to design fabrics and clothes, I would either
repeat those already made giving it the date of that time, or I would design in
the most advanced way, as it was then, trying to see the future in logical
terms. Even fashion, like everything we do and produce, should always be the
result of the union between the maximum knowledge of the "state of
things" and the most advanced, progressive evolved idea. These components
make objects right, making them become the document of positive contemporaneity”.
Getulio Alviani – 1965
The clothes on display were born
in the 60s from the collaboration
between designer Germana Marucelli and Getulio Alviani who designed the
fabrics starting from his kinetic-visual experiments around the refractions of
light on metal surfaces. These refractions create the optical effects that
Marucelli realized could be applied on its refined sartorial production.
Murat and Caroline Murat
Photograph - courtesy - Getulio Alviani Foundation – Silvia Negri Firman
Palazzo Barbaro
Getulio Alviani – Anthropometry
Getulio Alviani – Anthropometry
Diora Fraglica Alviani
Concavo Converso
The Jewels
The jewels designed by Getulio Alviani Cerchi Virtuali and Mono-orecchino are presented, both born from the concept of
free movement in space and light, as wearable sculptures.
Pams Francoise
Photograph - courtesy - Getulio Alviani Foundation – Silvia
Negri Firman
Bernard and Julian
Photograph - courtesy - Getulio Alviani Foundation – Silvia
Negri Firman
Lorenzo Wirz
Photograph - courtesy - Getulio Alviani Foundation – Silvia
Negri Firman
Getulio Alviani - Bat(h)tape
– 1966
*Open to the public until 30th of May
From 10am to 6pm – by appointment only contacting the Getulio Alviani Foundation
From 10am to 6pm – by appointment only contacting the Getulio Alviani Foundation
+39 02 50043677 or