Venice Biennale Special – Open
Studio - Sigrid Gloerfelt
International artist, lover of art,
collector of art and expressionist painter Sigrid Gloerfelt has opened up her
Venice studio for 5 days during Biennale preview week.
Above. La Cicatrice – Le Sens des Mots – Again Again
and Again –2017 - mixed media on canvas.
Open Studio - Sigrid Gloerfelt
9-14 May - 10am-7pm
Campo Sant’ Angelo – Calle Caotorta
+39 349 7187949
started studying film and psychology in London and New York, I left for India
and realized that painting was vital to my life. I sent Marietta Gual in Majorca some
pictures and five months later she exhibited my work. I worked for ten years
with the Sollertis Gallery and then Rodolphe Stadler in Paris; later I choose
another life and exhibited in all the countries where I lived: South Africa,
Dubai, Bahrain, Beirut.“
Sigrid Gloerfelt

Les Sens des Mots – 2017
mixed media
on canvas
“Blue and white, they
are the infinite, the sea the sky, what I imagine in another world.”
Untitled – 2017
mixed media
on canvas
courtesy of the artist
Les Carnets
“The notebooks are a
process of concentration to focus on. When I travel I never take any supplies
with me and always buy them locally, I do a lot of work on paper. I always produce exhibitions in whatever part
of the world I have a show. I like meeting the local artists, experience their
cultures and languages, I usually stay in that country for quite a while
“When I paint I am elsewhere”
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