Thursday, September 06, 2012

Venice: Film Festival – The Tightrope

Venice: Film Festival – The Tightrope - Simon Brook.  “How does one make theatre real? It is so easy to fall into tragedy or comedy. What is important above all is to be on this strict razor edge of the tightrope…”  For the very first time in forty years, Peter Brook, one of the major directors of contemporary theatre, has agreed to raise the curtain and allow his son Simon Brook to film behind the scenes and to reveal the secrets of his approach.  This unique and personal documentary takes us beyond the intimacy of a workshop, into a philosophical experience, on a tightrope.
Above. Ginevra Elkan, director Simon Brook and Peter Brook.

Italian director Ermanno Olmi.

Angela, Tai and Rosita Missoni

Actor Toschi Tsuchitori

Franca Coin, Giannola and Betty Nonino

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