Thursday, September 06, 2012

Venice: Ca Pesaro – Raffaele Boschini – Graphic Works 1912-1922 exhibition.

Venice: Ca Pesaro – Raffaele Boschini – Graphic Works 1912-1922 exhibition. The cycle of dossier exhibitions at Ca’ Pesaro, hosted in room ten on the museum’s first floor, continues with an exhibition focusing on the graphic works of Raffaele Boschini, until September 30, in an attempt to draw out the Venetian artist from the backstage to which he has hitherto been unjustly condemned.
Above: Raffaele Boschini, Self-portrait 1912.

Raffaele Boschini – Graphic Works 1912-1922. The graphic works on show which currently constitutes one of the largest collections in the museum’s Drawings and Prints Cabinet, cover the artist’s youthful years, until 1922, in other words, from the time of his occupation of the studio in Ca’ Pesaro until his first years in Milan, but these are probably the most interesting ones in his entire artistic career.

Raffaele Boschini – Graphic Works 1912-1922. Boschini was one of the first artists to enter the Bevilacqua La Masa studios, he immediately formed a bond with artist Ugo Valeri, who tragically died at Ca’ Pesaro in 1911 but left a strong mark on Boschini. This is confirmed by the slender but decisive lines of some figures in which we sense the flavor of the 1920s that emerges strongly in his drawings and watercolors, leaving a nostalgia for something that goes beyond the gaze to reach the intimacy of the individual.

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