Thursday, May 17, 2012

NYC: Marrakesh by Design book signing

NYC: Artistic Frame showroom - D & D Building – Marrakesh by Design book signing. At the beginning of New York’s Design Week, Artistic Frame, in the Decoration and Design Building, hosted the Marrakesh by Design book signing event. Marrakesh by Design – Decorating with the Colors, Patterns and Magic of Morocco by Maryam Montague of is published by Artisan. The eclectic and stylish author is known for her award winning blog, My Marrakesh, and also has made a career doing humanitarian work, as well as being a writer, a photographer, a hotelier, a shop owner in the olive groves of Marrakesh.

Marrakesh by Design. Moroccan marzipan sweets were set up on a Moroccan tray in the Artist Frame showroom.

Darcy Woodall of Potterton Books.   Potterton Books's store is in the lobby of the D & D Building and is specialized in Fine and Decorative Arts, Design and Decoration.

Marrakesh by Design. A Moroccan book signing wouldn’t be complete without Mint Tea.

Artistic Frame’s sales manager Joe Weldon sits in the Pope’s Chair custom-made especially for Pope Benedict’s visit to NYC. The chair is a reproduction of a Russian chair owned by the Czar and Czarina. Artistic Frame has been servicing the Interior Design trade since 1927, they design and manufacturer luxury bespoke furniture.

  Fashion Stylish and personal shopper, Stacey Mayesh assists her clients with their wardrobe, clothes shopping, and organizes their outfits and accessories.  She has dressed some of the brightest stars of the entertainment industry, such as Susan Sarandon, Claire Danes, Cameron Diaz, Jessica Alba and Queen Latifah.

Marrakesh by Design. Another platter of Moroccan goodies included dates and dried fruits.

Chantal Bibi is creative director for Chantal Presents and Artistic Frame. She conceived the Moroccan décor for the Marrakesh by Design book signing event.

Vicky Cohen is president of Glocal Connection, which serves as a business platform that positions luxury products made with traditional art forms, by companies owned by indigenous women.

 photograph courtsey Glocal Connection

 A textile designed by the women of Guatemala for Glocal Connection.
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