Thursday, October 08, 2009

MILANO FASHION: Where - When - Why - What - Who - Want ? ? ?

WHAT:  Gaia & Gino’s Grid Vases
WHERE: in the window of the Skitsch shop.
WHEN: During Fashion Week
WHO:  The grid Vases were designed by Jamie Hayon for Gaia & Gino “The Grid Vase, was inspired by a combination of city influences. Since moving to London, I have been fascinated by British history and the strong medieval atmosphere when I walk through the streets. I became fascinated by tales of the knights templar and the Tudors and the endlessly rich history surrounding me. I came up with vases, inspired by suits of armor, helmets and fencing masks.” states Hayon.
WHY: They looked so great in the evening light all in a row. Pin It