The Vaporetto. The vaporetto or waterbus advertises the new exhibition space, Arsenale Nuovissimo.

Seen on the vaporetto. Art dealer ,Orio Vergani and artist, Pasquale Di Donato.

Seen on the vaporetto. Art dealer ,Orio Vergani and artist, Pasquale Di Donato.

Seen on the vaporetto: detail. A detail of Pasquale Di Donato's accessories for a hot day at the Venice Biennale.

Seen on the vaporetto. The Peggy Guggenheim Collection's P.R. Alexia Boro and director, Philip Rylands.
Seen on the vaporetto. Architect, Rem Koolhaas.

Seen on the vaporetto. Another No Art Here related poster.
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Seen on the vaporetto. The Peggy Guggenheim Collection's P.R. Alexia Boro and director, Philip Rylands.

Seen on the vaporetto. Another No Art Here related poster.