Seen at Driade. Xavier Lust looks through a shelf of his Virgo bookcase in anodized aluminum black anthracite designed for Driade.

Seen at Driade – Xavier Lust - Virgo and Source. Seen in one of the frescoed rooms of the Driade showroom in Via Manzoni, Xavier Lust’s Virgo bookcase, the structure and shelves are in mirror-polished stainless steel or in another version in anodized aluminum black anthracite and the Source table whose base and top are made in die-casting polished aluminum.

Seen at Driade. Naoto Fukasawa sits on a Zaza chair behind his Taku table.

Seen at Driade. Giuseppe Chigiotti sits on his Hoff leather sofa.

Seen at Driade. Oscar Tusquets sits on his Floating Sofa.

Seen at Driade. Marco Zanuso Jr. reflects in his small table Oyster.

Photograph courtesy Driade
Seen at Driade – Marco Zanuso Jr. – Oyster. One of the two Oyster tables designed by Marco Zanuso Jr. for Driade, the design can be traced back to the facets of a diamond and are enhanced by the “precious meta” stainless steel finish.