Veneto - watercolor artist: Francesca Brandolini d’Adda. Photographed in her studio, Venetian born, Francesca Brandolini d’Adda lives and works in the small town of Follina in the Prosecco hills near Venice. Follina is better known for it’s thirteenth century, Cistercian abbey: Santa Maria di Follina.
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Lifestyle. A view from the studio, which looks onto the thirteenth century, Cistercian abbey: Santa Maria di Follina.

Art. A group of trees inspired by the view from the studio above. On the book cover a watercolor, painted by Francesca of a Palladian Villa, published for the five-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Andrea Palladio, the renowned 16th-century architect. The focal point of a vision is crucial in her watercolors, a reference point that gives back a sense of nature and civilization. It is in these terms and in this connection that all the images of the artist are expressed.

Art and lifestyle. Inspired by the hats above, this unusual watercolor is in fact a cut out of an antique chair on which a felt hat rests. The decoupage is pasted onto a beige sheet of paper and framed by a simple black wooden frame.

Lifestyle. On the kitchen sink stands an oil painting bought at auction. The Moka coffee-pot and the pottery jar are also depicted in the watercolor below.

Art. A country kitchen is the subject of one of her house interior inspired watercolors. She favors distinct compositions and a study for detail. The color, which she obtains through chromatic harmony, enforces the shapes without ever outshining them.

Lifestyle. A corner of Francesca cozy backyard where ivy, hydrangeas and American vine grow in abundance.

Art and lifestyle. The inside of the portal to her studio are painted with an imaginary trompe l'oiel landscape of the surrounding hills. In the foreground, her faithful Norwich terrier, Greg sits and enjoys the view.