Backstage. Teresa and Angela Missoni.

Backstage. Before the show.

Detail. Rosita is wearing two Venetian glass rings which belonged to her friend and first house model, the late, Gai Pearl Marshall. Former Bluebell Girl, Gai served, as public relations for the Missoni's in London and many will miss her.

Backstage. Bianca is being interviewed by Ludovica Scalzo for World Fashion Television.

Backstage. Star stylist, Marc Lopez designed the hairstyles for the Missoni Spring/Summer 2009 Collection. Seen here with Bianca as he fixes the hair.

Detail. The hair is pulled back, slick and tidy.

Detail. Marc Lopez’s hairbrushes.

Backstage. Angelika is wearing a knit tunic with graphic wave stripes over a cinnamon double linen mini skirt.

Detail. Note the double beige leather belt.

Detail. A pair of next summer shoes.

Backstage. Internationally renowned make-up artist, Charlotte Tilbury with the MAC Pro Team designed the make-up for the Missoni show. She is putting the finishing touches on Sophie’s make-up. “This season the make-up is monochromatic and sculptured and glamorous. The colors are chocolate, beige and gold.” She explained.

Detail. One of the make-up tables.
Backstage. Marco Maccapani, who produced the show and his daughter, Teresa Maccapani Missoni.

Backstage. Skye

Detail. Skye can’t live without her Blackberry, even though it’s very expensive to use especially when you are working in Australia and based in New York.

Backstage. Anna Maria Altamura is the new Missoni worldwide communications and marketing director.

Backstage. Instead of hanging around with the other models, Myf is catching up on her schoolwork. She is wearing a Missoni Home Collection, black and white, toweling robe provided for all the models to wear.

Detail. Myf is working on her schoolwork. She is taking a maths and finance course by correspondence at Brisbane High School.
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