Le Tresor Des Normandes or Mustapha Blaoui. Mustapha Blaoui shows off antique pairs of embroidered
babouches. He is a gracious host and knows All Marrakech, not only the residents but also who is visiting. It is a ritual for friends and customers to call on Mustapha around five or six o’clock and sip his sweet mint tea and chat in his store.
Le Tresor Des Normandes or Mustapha Blaoui. Unexpectedly, behind studded blank double doors there is this warehouse piled high with the most beautiful objects; candlesticks and lanterns, straw carpets trimmed in leather, frames, brightly colored leather chests, pots, bowls, table and chairs. It’s an Aladdin’s cave, it’s 1001 Nights, it’s ‘magical'.
Le Tresor Des Normandes or Mustapha Blaoui. In the whole store these silver plated metal plastic water bottle holders were my choice.
Le Tresor Des Normandes: 142 Rue Bab Doukkala - tresordesnormandes@hotmail.com
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