Wednesday. A new restaurant - BLT Market. This is a great location for midtown

Detail. The cheeses sit under glass cloches. Glass cloches also inspired the lampshades.

A section of the dinning room. The banquette area is very cozy. Above each table there are gigantic colorful paintings of fruits or vegetables. The tables are sparingly set with plain glasses and paper mats printed with lists of seasonal fruits and vegetables on the side. The water is brought to the table in milk bottles and the pesto bread comes to the table in a paper bag. The waiters wear stripped kitchen aprons and the light and airy Martha Stewart-ish decor works well with the concept of seasonal products.

Desert. Yummy seasonal McIntosh Apple Cake/Calvados Caramel/Vermont Creme Fraiche.
Detail. As part of the decor real apples in barrels are strategically placed.