La Rotonda della Besana: Moncler – The designer. Alessandra Facchinetti designed the beautiful quilted Jackets for Moncler. The clothing recalls reinterpreted sports and work uniforms with surprising volumes and breadths. The forms are reminiscent of structures from days gone by. They also bring to mind the slim-line touch of contemporary design where the tuxedo is lengthened and blurred and the bodice evokes a parachute harness. Alessandra is the hot designer of the moment, she will be designing the Valentino collections when the Maestro retires next year.
La Rotonda della Besana: Moncler - The Installation. The magical installation where dressmakers mannequins rotate and are reflected in a box of mirrors, stand on tubes which seems to allude to the construction of an old Meccano set, yet, also remind us of an old fashioned musical box.

La Rotonda della Besana: Moncler - The Installation Designer. Italian Vogue’s art director, artist and photographer, Luca Stoppini designed the Moncler magical installation at La Rotonda della Besana. “I get bored if I’m not always doing something. I work well with Alessandra.” Luca commented.
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