Thursday 7th June – I Giardini: at the French Pavilion – Sophie Calle – Prenez Soin de Vous. “I received an email telling me it was over. I didn’t know how to answer. It was as if it wasn’t meant for me. It ended with the words: Take care of yourself. I took this recommendation literally. I asked a hundred and two women, chosen for their profession, to interpret the letter in their professional capacity. To analyze it, provide a commentary on it, act it, dance it, sing it. Dissect it. Squeeze it dry. Understand for me. Answer for me. It was a way to take the time to break up. At my own pace. A way to take care of myself.” Sophie Calle explains her beautiful exhibition.

Seen at the Chanel Dinner at Palazzo Polignac. French actress, Jeanne Moreau and French artist, Sophie Calle, were the guests of honor at the Chanel dinner, one of the official sponsors of the French Pavilion. The Palazzo was beautifully decorated by renowned Venetian architect and designer,

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