SATURDAY: Seduzioni Diamonds by Valeria Marini. The showgirl and actress, ValeriaMarini is very happy after her sexy collection for her fashion brand, Seduzioni Diamonds. After the show four bodyguards protect her from fans, press and celebrities while she is being interviewed by one of the many fashion televisions covering Milan Fashion Week.
Inspired by Madame de Pompadour and the Italian cult pop-cartoon character Valentina, by way of Cat Woman and Barbarella, the collection blends elements from the icons to create a feminine figure that is halfway between fetish and comic strip.
Actress, Maria Grazia Cuccinotto commented the whole show live for pop-star turned fashion commentator, Jo Squillo’s TV Moda fashion channel. Elio Fiorucci, whose latest boutique is called Love Therapy, was in his element, not only watching the sexy clothes on the runway, but also to be photographed next to La Cuccinotta. Also at the show, TV presenter, Federica Panicucci, Linda Battisti and fashion designer, Alviero Martini, who makes bags and suitcases printed with the map of the world.

Presented for the first time the
VM Jeans line, with the initials of the eclectic designer, the VM
- vietato ai minori - acronym also means X rated in Italian
. Her seduction thus seeps into the world of five pockets
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