MILANO - Fashion Week
Save the date - Marta and Marta #2. The exhibition, Come Eravamo (as we were) at the Monte-Carlo Art Gallery (October 26 to November 8) is a retrospective photographic exhibition dedicated to the life of one the most remarkable Italian women of our times, Marta Marzotto. The black and white photographs, from the fifties to the nineties, come from the private collection of the Contessa. Emotional, full of curiosity, with anecdotes that show the woman in love, the mother, the grandmother, the ironic and happy friend, they tell the story of her life. Always volcanic at parties organized by friends and famous vips; Robert Kennedy, Francisco Franco, Giovanni Paolo II, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Eugenij Evtuscenko, Sean Connery, Kevin Costner, Renato Guttuso and many more. It's a photographic la dolce vita. Gallery owner, film director and artist, Ottavio Fabbri has put together an intriguing video of film clips from Marta's life, and Marta Brivio Sforza's PR work for the Monte-Carlo Gallery guarantee instant success. The Marchesa has been doing PR for museums for years. She opened La Permanente museum to the fashion industry in Milan, for their events to be able to finance big art exhibitions. The proceeds of the sale of the Marzotto catalogue will go to the Fondazione per la Lotta alla Fibrosi Cistica.
www.mc-artgallery.it www.lapermanente-milano.it www.fibrosicisticaricerca.it
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www.mc-artgallery.it www.lapermanente-milano.it www.fibrosicisticaricerca.it
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