Naranzaria - wine bar in Rialto. What could be nicer than to eat or sip an aperitif while you watch the boats go by on the Grand Canal? For centuries Venice was the gateway to the Orient, a point of exchange between East and West. Rialto was the centre of this magnificent city, a meeting point of aromas, flavors, people and cultures. The name Naranzaria comes from the ancient warehouse where citrus fruits were stored. Now in the same location and with the same name is a tiny tiny restaurant or osteria where you can enjoy the exotic flavors of sushi, the Mediterranean freshness of couscous, and the typical flavors of the hinterland of the Serene republic such as the salami from Friuli and the wines of the Veneto. We particularly recommend Count Brandino Brandolini d'Adda's Vistorta wines, a sushi dish as a starter (made with the freshest fish, as the fish market is just next door) and then the very Venetian dish of Polenta and Baccala Mantecato.
www.naranzaria.it www.vistorta.it Naranzaria - San Polo 130 - tel: +39 041 72 41 035
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www.naranzaria.it www.vistorta.it Naranzaria - San Polo 130 - tel: +39 041 72 41 035
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