Gare du Nord-Eurostar. My less than forty eight hours in Paris are over. Just one day at the Maison & Objet fair and one day en ville and I'm off again this time to London on the Eurostar from the Gare du Nord to Waterloo. It is the first time I take the train under the English Channel. Luckily it's Sunday and there is no traffic, everything is running smoothly. I am impressed by the efficientcy at the station, by the Premier Business lounge with WI-FI and the fast track check-in. I am so engrossed in the fantastic British Sunday papers, that I don't even notice when the train entered the tunnel and am also a little upset when only two hours and thirty-five minutes later we have already arrived in London and I still haven't finished the papers! The International Herald Tribune's fashion journalist Suzy Menkes, told Style.com "What I love about London is the Eurostar; it gets me to and from Paris with speed and in style."
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