Yes, we are at it again, more bubbly, this time to celebrate the birth of my old school friend Gabrielle and her husband Oliver Leigh Wood's first grand daughter and third grandchild! Alice Elisabeth Marie Gould was born while we were having dinner with the happy grandparents on the 8th of August (8th month) at 8.06 p.m. and she weighted 8 pounds 8 ounces - should we play the lottery? And within an hour they had received photographs of the new born, through the internet and on their mobile phones - isn't it amazing? Oliver buys and repairs old buildings and is also chairman of The Spitalfields Trust which over the last twenty seven years has repaired in excess of sixty buildings in the East End of London and has just completed an outstanding medieval building in Monmouthshire which will be featured in Country Life magazine - www.countrylife.co.uk or email him at Oliverleighwood@hotmail.com - Gabrielle, who was the top of our class of seven at school and one of the only pupils to take Latin, specializes in taking tourist round unknown London and she is also a certified Blue Badge Guide. http://www.blue-badge-guides.com.somewhere/ or email her at mausilw@hotmail.com.
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